Smithsonian Journeys Experts

Jean Lawrence

photo of Jean Lawrence

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest gave Jean ample opportunities to connect and play in the great outdoors.  After earning a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Gonzaga University, Jean pursued a career that reflected her love of the natural world. She worked as an interpretive ranger at Grand Teton National Park and later completed a master’s degree in zoology and physiology from the University of Wyoming. Jean’s passion for conservation biology led her to work for the National Park Service and United States Forest Service as a field biologist focusing on threatened and endangered species, including managing the California condor project at Grand Canyon National Park. She conducts grouse and raptor surveys in the spring for Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Jean has been guiding for 8 years and continues to enjoy exploring the wonders of Yellowstone, the canyon country of the Southwest, Glacier National Park and sharing them with travelers.

What Our Travelers Say

I very much like the educational aspect of Smithsonian Journeys...the knowledge of their Experts and their ability to relate that knowledge to us.

- Ellen V.