Travel Hit List: Spain
We love traveling to Spain, any chance we get. Not only do we get the opportunity to brush up on our rusty high-school Spanish, we take in the paella, the architecture, the modern art, and the cool cafe culture. Get your virtual Spanish fix with today's travel hit list.
Read: A brief history of Spanish coins, courtesy of the folks at the Smithsonian National Numismatic Collection.
Hear: The Flamenco music of Andalusia, thanks to Smithsonian Folkways.
Watch: Smithsonian Magazine’s video on the history of chocolate, which made its way to Europe after the Spanish conquest of the Americas.
Eat and Drink: Art makes its way to the table courtesy of Spanish chef and innovator Ferrán Adriá and his fellow artists.
Check out: how historian Dana Bleichmar is changing assumptions about the Spanish conquest of the Americas, based on the drawings that naturalists and artists working for the Spanish crown made of the things they found in the new world.
Go: Now is a great time to book a journey to Spain, including our new Study Abroad programs for High School Students.
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