Book: A Traveller’s History of England
If you're planning some travel to Great Britain, a great companion for your trip is Christopher Daniell's A Traveller's History of England. Historian and archeologist Daniell delivers a comprehensive history of the region since the time of the hunter-gatherers in this compact volume. The book takes you through the Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Normans, and Medieval monarchs to the Reformation, Renaissance, the world wars, and the modern state of things. Handy reference tools include a list of rulers, prime ministers, major battles, and important buildings. Take this on your plane ride "across the pond" and you'll be even more prepared to enjoy England.
England is a wonderful place to go for the winter holidays—enjoy perennially popular Study Leader Rosalind Hutchinson on a uniquely British celebration on our Christmas in Canterbury tour. If you can't travel this December, we have other tours to England here.