Smithsonian Journeys Dispatches

Book of the Week - The Smithsonian Atlas of the Amazon

Our book partner, Longitude books, is always searching for new books to inspire and inform your travels.

Smithsonian Atlas of the Amazon
This week’s book is a real stunner—The Smithsonian Atlas of the Amazon, co-authored by Michael Goulding, Ronaldo Barthem, and Efrem Ferreira.

The Amazon River flows from the world's largest rainforest into the Amazon delta, and to Atlantic Ocean, covering a distance of more than 4,000 miles. With more than 150 maps and 300 photographs, all in striking color, this is the first comprehensive view of the Amazon and its thirteen major tributaries.

Not only that, you'll learn more from the authors about the black water tributaries, the effect of the Amazon's freshwater on the ocean, and how deforestation affects this region and its biodiversity.

Intrigued by the Amazon? Click here to learn more about exploring it with us.