Smithsonian Journeys Dispatches

Who Was Eliot Elisofon?

There are few photographers who can even say they captured Africa quite the way Eliot Elisofon did during his lifetime. His legacy of photography and filmmaking provides ethnologists, photographers, and historians a fantastic visual record of African life from 1947 to 1973. When Eliot passed away in 1973, he bequeathed to the Smithsonian's National Museum of African Art  his materials from his experiences living on the continent, including 50,000 black-and-white photographs and 30,000 color transparencies.

What is most notable about Elisofon is at a time when outside cultures were viewing Africa through stereotypes and misconceptions, his photography was always grounded in humanity and respect. You can learn more about Eliot Elisofon on the Smithsonian Channel.

Create your own photography portfolio of South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, and Botswana on our Grand Safari  private jet tour.

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