You know what they say—"Know before you go." Here are five interesting facts about lions, to get you ready for that Tanzania Safari you've always wanted to take.
Male lions are responsible for protecting the pride from predators. Their manes darken as they age.
Young lions have spots, which fade as they mature.
Lions at the Smithsonian National Zoo are fed beef and horsetails once a week to keep their teeth and jaws strong.
As recently as 10,000 years ago, lions roamed across the world from North and South America to Europe, Africa, and Asia. Today, they live only in the southern Sahara, South Africa, and India.
Ancient images of lions can be found in the Lascaux caves in France.
Lions are highly social animals, and live in a matriarchal society. Female lions in a pride work together to hunt and care for their cubs and are known to synchronize birth cycles to make cub care easier.
Ready to see some lions up close? Join Smithsonian Journeys for a Tanzania Safari.
What's your favorite big cat?