Send Us Your Story
Travel can offer many rewards and challenges. We invite you to share your reflections, favorite memories, revelations, and tips, as well as your photos and videos with the Smithsonian Journeys community. Everyone has a story, what’s yours?
Easy Instructions for Sharing Your Travel Story
Share your travel story with us today! Think of one amazing experience with the local wildlife, natural setting, people, or one special moment. The tone should be casual and friendly – like a diary entry or a letter to a friend. Humor is welcome. Stories should be between 350 and 800 words and should be family-friendly. Our staff may edit for grammar, punctuation, and clarity. Please submit a few words about yourself (two or three sentences) and snapshot of yourself with your story. Each story will feature a link to the author’s biography.
We would love to enhance your posting with photos or video. Please include these, or links to them (if you’re storing them on YouTube, Picasa, etc.) with your post. Please only include photos and videos that you took, so we can credit you properly. You can also submit photos or videos only, which we can use in our own posts. Photos should be .jpg files with 72-300 dpi.
There is no compensation for submission, but we're happy to post your bio and link to your own blog, provided it's family-friendly. We’ll be posting select stories on our blog regularly.
Please e-mail your questions to us and we’ll get right back to you.
Click here to e-mail your story to us. There’s no deadline or limit to how many stories you can share, so start writing!
If you have a customer service question, please contact our call center toll-free at 1-877-338-8687 to speak with a friendly reservations specialist or e-mail our reservations center. Thank you!